Sunday, February 8, 2009

RSS Hub doesn't auto-update or download podcasts when set to update when ActiveSync is connected

If you are having problems with RSS Hub not updating your news feeds automatically when your device is connected to the PC, it could be due to the following issue: [Info extracted from NewsBreak FAQ (NewsBreak is the engine behind RSS Hub)]

Windows Mobile 5.0 has a new connection method which may prevent NewsBreak from detecting that ActiveSync or Windows Mobile Device Center is connected. To fix this, you need to do the following:
  • On your device, go to Start -> Settings -> Connections and look for the "USB to PC" item. If you have it, un-check "Use Advanced Networking."


  • If you don't have a "USB to PC" item, you may have a "USB Switch" program in your Start -> Programs list. This does the same thing. You want to switch the connection to "USB Serial" instead of "RNDIS".

Not quite sure what "Advanced Networking" does but so far I have not noticed any adverse impact so I'm keeping it that way since its more important that I get my feeds for my hour long journey to work!

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